Hi Dan,
Currently my spdlib is not working... below is the error message..I'm okay even 
without viewer..please help me to get back on the track.


Sent from Narsimha's iPhone !

On 11 Aug 2016, at 10:08 PM, Daniel Clewley 
<daniel.clew...@gmail.com<mailto:daniel.clew...@gmail.com>> wrote:


I haven't managed to create conda builds for the viewer against the latest 
version of SPDLib yet, I will do but need to resolve some build errors 
(possible related to qt). This complicates things as  an older version of 
SPDLib needs to be installed if you want to install the viewer. The script to 
create the conda package is available from 
https://bitbucket.org/danclewley/conda-recipes (conda-forge branch) if you want 
to try building yourself.

PyLidar depends on LASlib (part of LAStools), as does the latest version of 
SPDLib since we switched from using libLAS.



On 11 Aug 2016, at 12:05, Adam Steer 
<adam.st...@anu.edu.au<mailto:adam.st...@anu.edu.au>> wrote:

Hi Narsimha, Dan

Dan - for some context this installation is being attempted in a cloud based 
virtual desktop infrastructure (henceforth VDI) on CentOS 6 (I work at the HPC 
Narsimha is trying to use) which may add complications.

Narsimha - I can probably try some SPDlib installation stuff on the VDI. In a 
reasonably similar CentOS 6 environment I've used an Anaconda virtualenv to run 

1. run a miniconda installer (as myself, no super powers)
2. manually add the minconda location to $PATH
3. create an spdlib virtualenv
4. install and work with SPDlib inside that env.

After offline chats with Dan this may be the best way forward but needs 
testing. I've never got the viewer working since: I don't need it; and I would 
need to manually set up an X windows and X forwarding service.

So a way forward might be installing miniconda on the VDI inside a user 
account, and then using the conda install method for spdlib. This may or may 
not set up the viewer correctly, needs to be tested - and all being well the 
viewer should just work.

Unfortunately, I'm running out of time to test these ideas this month, I'll see 
what I can do.

Finally, I'll segue to pylidar - which may be another option. My question on 
pylidar is: does it depend on LAStools, or will libLAS work just fine?



On 11 Aug 2016, at 8:45 PM, Narsimha Garlapati 
<narsimha.garlap...@anu.edu.au<mailto:narsimha.garlap...@anu.edu.au>> wrote:

Hi Dan,
Unfortunately I have encountered with new problems and below are the screen 
Actually I was trying to install new environment so as to install the 
spd3dpointsviewer and lost many things.
Can you please bail me out from this issue.

Thanks for your patience,
From: Anil Kornepati <anil.kornep...@gmail.com<mailto:anil.kornep...@gmail.com>>
Date: Thursday, 11 August 2016 at 8:37 PM
To: Narsimha Garlapati 
Subject: Spdlib errors


actual error

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