True.  Still, the Constitution has only been amended 17 times (the bill of 
rights were added in one fell swoop) in 226 years.  That's roughly one 
amendment every 13 years. :)

Thomas H. Vidal, Esq.
Abrams Garfinkel Margolis Bergson, LLP
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-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Philip Odence
Sent: Friday, October 04, 2013 5:11 AM
To: Mark Gisi; Wheeler, David A; Jilayne Lovejoy
Cc:; SPDX-legal
Subject: Re: Immunity from changes in license identifiers coming in SPDX 1.2

Even the Constitution requires occasional amendment.

On 10/3/13 4:07 PM, "Gisi, Mark" <> wrote:

>Although I agree we want to avoid making changes to the license list, 
>change is inevitable. An important consideration is that the SPDX 1.2 
>spec (which is planned for release this month) includes a field to 
>specify which version of the SPDX license list was used. This is 
>particularly important in the event the list changes. An SPDX file 
>creator is able to record the list version in the SPDX file from where 
>they obtain their license identifiers from. This essentially achieves 
>two things 1) gives SPDX file creators immunity with respect to future 
>changes to the license list, and 2) makes it easier for the SPDX 
>working group to make the tough decision to change the license list 
>when it makes sense.
>- Mark
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Wheeler, David 
>Sent: Thursday, October 03, 2013 6:40 AM
>To: Jilayne Lovejoy; Bradley M.Kuhn
>Cc:; SPDX-legal
>Subject: RE: License: spdx-license=IDENTIFIER
>Jilayne Lovejoy:
>>yes, I actually agree.  I have long thought that the short identifiers 
>>would be better served as:
>>And logged this as something to bring up, but we have been busy with 
>>trying to finish other tasks and it hasn't risen to the surface.  Of 
>>course, the worry is that changing the short identifiers will screw up 
>>people who are already using the SPDX License List (we endeavored to 
>>try to never change them...) There is a good number of companies 
>>already using it and probably more than we even know of. In any case, 
>>if it is going to help reduce confusion or ambiguity and we can figure 
>>out a way to make sure this change is well documented, then we need to 
>>consider making the change.  I will be sure to bring this up at the 
>>General Meeting tomorrow and on the next legal call (next Thursday)
>I agree that once an identifier is given a specific meaning, that 
>meaning MUST not change.  But I don't see a big harm in creating a new, 
>clearer SPDX identifier for a given license.
>There should be only one "recommended" identifier for a given license, 
>but you could record older identifiers marking what license they refer 
>to, noting that it's a deprecated identifier and listing the "better"
>ones instead.
>The GPL and LGPL are the most widely used OSS licenses, by most 
>measures, and its version distinctions really matter for many people.  
>Having good, clear identifiers for this especially common use case 
>seems like a reasonable thing to do.
>--- David A. Wheeler
>Jilayne Lovejoy
>SPDX Legal Team lead
>Spdx-legal mailing list
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