Hi All,

The meeting minutes from the last call have been posted:  

Agenda for today (call in 15’)

1) The next release of the license list is coming together and almost ready!  
We will discuss any outstanding issues (below) and also seek some volunteers 
for helping review the list before publishing.
- zlib license issue:  We have zlib on the SPDX License List 
(http://www.zlib.net/zlib_license.html) which is OSI approved and license text 
matches what is on the OSI site: http://opensource.org/licenses/Zlib - However, 
OSI calls it zlib/libpng License.  there is also a separate libpng license  - 
http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/src/libpng-LICENSE.txt  Fedora also calls it 
zlib/libpng but with short identifier, “zlib”
As per the Fedora list, we added a similar license: 
 Fedora does not have the libpng itself
—> do we add libpng? do we worry that OSI naming and SPDX License List naming 
does not match (although short identifiers do, of course)? 

- help reviewing for accuracy…

2) 2.0 tasks - update and discuss roadmap going forward
- standard headers issues…

 Call this number: (United States): +1-857-216-2871 
 User PIN: 38633 
 International: visit the URL at http://uberconference.com/SPDXTeam
Chat soon!
Jilayne & Paul
SPDX Legal Team co-leads

Spdx-legal mailing list

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