Hi Tech Team,

For the pre-release of 2.0, the legal team will have the license exceptions 
added to the SPDX License List.  The current plan is to be conservative on the 
initial release, only adding those exceptions that were on the previous version 
of the license list; with acknowledgment that we need to add more and have had 
requests as such.  We have a longer list in the queue with some prioritization 
for the next release, etc.

Now that we have decided on the pre-release and official release schedule, we 
thought this might provide an opportunity to add more exceptions for the 
official release in Feb than the initial “conservative” allotment.  The idea 
being, that given this schedule and the opportunity for testing during the 
pre-release time frame, we’ll have an opportunity to find out if anything 
“breaks” with the new license expression syntax (including the WITH operator 
for exceptions) and then, if all looks good, can add more exceptions (which is 
the end goal) sooner than later.

Please let us know if there is any reason from the technical side of things not 
to do this or consider not doing this.  


SPDX Legal Team co-lead

Spdx-legal mailing list

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