On Fri, Aug 18, 2017 at 10:36:17AM -0400, Wheeler, David A wrote:
> Case #2 is a different situation, where we have *no* idea what
> license version is being applied.  It can occur when (for example)
> someone says "This is licensed under the GPL" or "This is licensed
> under the CC-BY license".  SPDX's license expressions do not have a
> direct way to say "I don't know which version", and license
> identifiers are all tied to a specific version.

Something I've seen which is sort of related to this is projects
using, say, "BSD" (with no license text) as an indication of the
license without further elaboration. This is different from the even
more common bare use of "MIT" without a license text, which is
(arguably) different because there is (arguably) only one standard
"MIT license" in present-day open source.

This is different from bare "GPL" because the latter (in theory) fits
a scenario that the license seems to contemplate. It's also not a
matter of numbered versions of course but rather the fact that in the
history of free/open source software licensing there have been a few
related licenses that have sometimes simply been referred to as "BSD",
either in some collective way or in consideration of one particular

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