I thought about doing something like what's done with MPL-2.0, but my
understanding is that the exceptions to GPL are important. Maybe I'm just
thinking about it too hard.

e.g. I believe that all of these are valid permutations...

EPL-2.0 with GPL-2.0
EPL-2.0 with (GPL-2.0 with Classpath-exception-2.0)
EPL-2.0 with (GPL-2.0 with Assembly-exception-2.0)
EPL-2.0 with (GPL-2.0 with Classpath-exception-2.0 with

Again, I may just be thinking about this too hard.


On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 9:00 PM, Richard Fontana <rfont...@redhat.com>

> Regarding the secondary license support, should it follow what's done with
> MPL 2.0 (SPDX has separate license identifiers for MPL-2.0 and
> "MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception"), thus something like "EPL-2.0" and
> "EPL-2.0-copyleft-exception"?
> I don't like the "MPL-2.0-no-copyleft-exception" myself as I find it
> confusing/counterintuitive, given that MPL-2.0 itself is a copyleft
> license, the 'exception' is not some sort of general exception having to do
> with copyleft (but rather is GPL-family-specific), and the GPL
> compatibility feature of MPL 2.0 is not described or (I think) generally
> thought of as an "exception".
> Richard
> ------------------------------
> From: "Wayne Beaton" <wayne.bea...@eclipse-foundation.org>
> To: spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org
> Sent: Monday, August 21, 2017 8:52:44 PM
> Subject: New License/Exception Request: EPL-2.0
> The EPL-2.0 has been approved by the OSI and the Eclipse Board of
> Directors. We'd obviously like to see it included in the SPDX license list.
> FWIW, we're updating our legal documentation requirements to make heavy use
> of SPDX.
>     1. License name: Eclipse Public License 2.0
>     2. Proposed Identifier: EPL-2.0
>     3. URL: https://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-2.0/
>     4. The license is OSI-approved (though only just recently and so it's
> not posted yet)
>     5. The Eclipse OMR and Eclipse OpenJ9 projects are both currently
> switching over to the new version and we expect numerous other existing
> Eclipse projects do so as well.
>     6. The Eclipse Foundation is investing in the use of SPDX and since we
> expect many/most of our projects to update to the new version of the
> license, having representation in SPDX is critical path.
> The wrinkle, I think, is that there is a provision in the license for
> "secondary license" support. A project team may opt to declare that their
> project code is GPL compatible. I believe that this means that GPL
> compatibility is an exception; this is compounded by the ability to include
> various exceptions to the GPL.
> The OpenJ9 project, for example, will be EPL-2.0 with GPL-2.0+CPE+AE. I
> think that this would manifest something like this:
> EPL-2.0 WITH (GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0 WITH
> Assembly-exception-2.0)
> I'm a little concerned that I don't see Assembly-exception-2.0 on the
> exceptions list. I assume that this means that I'll have to shepherd this
> exception through as well.
> Is this syntax even supported?
> FWIW, in a fit of stupidity--after misreading a comment on another
> issue--I opened a GitHub Issue to track this.
> Thanks,
> Wayne
> --
> Wayne Beaton
> Director of Open Source Projects
> The Eclipse Foundation
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Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation
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