scratch that bit about attendees - Dennis has sent that info!

> On May 17, 2018, at 11:23 AM, J Lovejoy <> wrote:
> HI All,
> I’ve posted these notes and the proposal to the meeting minutes page for May 
> 3rd here, but I don’t know who else was on the call.  Can someone fill that 
> in?
> <>
> thanks,
> JIlayne
> SPDX Legal Team co-lead
> <>
>> On May 3, 2018, at 12:36 PM, 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi Paul, Brad and Galo,
>> Below are my notes from the discussion on the SPDX GSoC project “Add New 
>> License Submittal Feature to Online Tools”.
>> We would like to have a follow-up discussion with Galo, Paul, Brad and Gary.
>> We reviewed the use cases in the proposal (attached).
>> There were three key points made during the review:
>> - The primary motivation for the tool is to make it easy for the submitters 
>> (the Producer actor)
>> - The legal team would like to continue to use github issues to track new 
>> license submittals as opposed to using the tool forms
>> - To keep the scope of the project achievable, we can take an incremental 
>> approach
>> Discussion prior to the use case reviews:
>> Do we want to require a github account for the Producers: We agreed that the 
>> Producers would not need a github account and could log in anonymously as 
>> long as an email is available
>> How do we know if the email is valid?  [I believe we decided this didn’t 
>> need to be resolved on the first release]
>> We should describe why the email is needed for the submittal – e.g. in case 
>> there are any questions, follow-up required
>> UC-001 Submit a license request:
>> We should validate the license is valid and is not a duplicate license
>> Anonymous login OK as long as email address is captured
>> As a post condition, a github issue should be submitted with the proper tags 
>> to denote a new license request. The Github API’s can be used for this 
>> purpose: 
>> <>
>> We could add some helpful information on the different fields (e.g. what a 
>> short-identifier is, pointer to the OSI license list)
>> UC-002 View submitted license requests:
>> Since the legal team will use the github issues list to track, the view 
>> function will primarily be used by producers and people interested in the 
>> status outside of the legal team itself.  We did feel this was still a 
>> valuable use case, just with different actors.
>> No need to authenticate – could be a public access view
>> Suggest the following states for the license: submitted (non-reviewed), 
>> submitted (under-review), approved, rejected
>> The state could be determined by the tags in the issue within github
>> We discussed what we would list under approved – all licenses?  Just 
>> licenses submitted through the app?  We agreed that the list under approved 
>> would be all licenses which have been approved but not yet 
>> released/published.  Once a license is released/published it would no longer 
>> be visible.  We could add a link to the listed licenses page as a reference 
>> for all published licenses.
>> UC-003 and UC-004 Approve and Deny license request:
>> Not needed since the legal team will use github for tracking status
>> UC-005 View a license request information:
>> The actors would include the Producer and also the general public
>> Could be a drilldown from the view on UC-002
>> UC-006 Generate a license XML file
>> Actor would be the legal team since the Producer will not be required to 
>> have a github account necessary for the pull request.
>> Ideally, this could generate a pull request, but it could just download the 
>> XML and the user could create the pull request.
>> We would need to also download a test file which would be the text of the 
>> license.
>> We also discussed if the original submittal should generate the pull request 
>> with the XML file and we decided it should only generate the issue.
>> We discussed a scenario where there may be a family of licenses submitted 
>> together.  Should we support multiple licenses submitted in the same issue?
>> All: Please let me know if I missed anything.
>> Thanks,
>> Gary
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Gary O'Neall
>> Principal Consultant
>> Source Auditor Inc.
>> Mobile: 408.805.0586
>> Email: <>
>> <GSOC_2018 -SPDX_Add_Licenses-Galo 
>> Castillo.pdf>_______________________________________________
>> Spdx-legal mailing list
>> <>
>> <>
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