Update on the spec git repo below:





From: spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org <spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org> On Behalf Of J Lovejoy
Sent: Thursday, October 17, 2019 7:41 AM
To: Mike Dolan <mdo...@linuxfoundation.org>
Cc: SPDX-legal <spdx-legal@lists.spdx.org>; spdx-tech <spdx-t...@lists.spdx.org>
Subject: Re: [spdx-tech] matching guidelines updates


Thanks Mike - responses below!

On Oct 17, 2019, at 7:34 AM, Michael Dolan <mdo...@linuxfoundation.org 
<mailto:mdo...@linuxfoundation.org> > wrote:


My personal responses in-line below. I've not discussed this with Steve or 
anyone... (and I will openly admit I'm not as familiar with these parts are you 
all are).



On Wed, Oct 16, 2019 at 11:14 PM J Lovejoy <opensou...@jilayne.com 
<mailto:opensou...@jilayne.com> > wrote:

1) what do we do with the webpage/URL and various places that link to such? 
redirect to the appendix in the spec? but then what happens when the spec 
updates?  (It’s really important for people to be able to easily read/find 
this).  Could we generate the webpage from the spec Appendix markup?


For specs that have subcomponents with faster moving sections, we have had 
other communities pull those out into separate GitHub .md file and the spec 
includes the current snapshot of that file at the time of the spec being 
approved and published as final. That way they have a record of the version at 
the time it was approved in the spec itself. But the .md file evolves at the 
pace it needs to.


Yes, I think this is how it has been set up in the PR - as it’s own Appendix 
and .md file, so one can refer to it separately there. I suppose we could 
change links to point to the Github .md, rather than the spec, that way it’s 
“standalone” - but I’m not familiar enough with how the spec is pushed and 
updated at the individual PR/file level, so could use Gary and Kate’s input 

[G.O.] This is actually a bit in flux.  Currently, any changes to the latest 
release of the spec is automatically updated to 
https://spdx.github.io/spdx-spec/  This can allow us to update more of the 
“living document” and make them available.  We had a GSoC student update some 
of the scripts so that we could display the work in progress for upcoming 
releases, but have not yet deployed the changes.  Once deployed, we should be 
able to see the spec in progress as well as the released version.


2) does this then mean the matching guidelines must follow the cycles/versions 
of the spec? (it has had it’s own cycle because it doesn’t update very often)


Similar to my answer above, but is it possible to move the "current source" for 
the guidelines out into a separate .md file? 

yes, already done.


3) what about the list of equivalent words- can we have that live as a separate 
file in the license list Github repo and then have the main relevant matching 
guideline link to it? and if so, should that list live in the license list repo 
or with the spec?


Similar reaction as above.

I think the idea of having this list as a separate file is the easy part 
(apparently this makes it easier for tools to consume), but the question is: 
where should that file live?


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