Wheeler, David A twisted the bytes to say:

 David> From a programmer's perspective I think the "cryptic" approach is FAR
 David> superior.  There are lots of tools that can quickly examine files and
 David> return text with the pattern "SPDX-License-Identifier: ", and other
 David> tools that can trivially process the stuff after it.  The above
 David> alternative is more work to process, and humans don't like unnecessary
 David> work :-).

 David> If you want more boilerplate with the goal of enforceability, you
 David> might try a format that's trivial to process, e.g.:

 David> SPDX-License-Notice:  This file is licensed under the following 
 David> SPDX-License-Identifier:  MIT
 David> SPDX-License-More-Information:  http://wiki.spdx.org/

I like this idea.

My point is not about being cryptic or not, but being able to convey
what the intention is to people who don't know anything about
SPDX. There needs to be a way that if somebody opens the file, they know
that that SPDX-License-Identifier means, and that it is an intention to
license the file under that license. 

Now regarding the immutability of the SPDX license list, one way to deal
with it is to version the list, but then the version of the list would
have to be included in the file that is referring to the license.


Daniel M. German                  "A coin symbolizes our free will"
                                   El Zahír, Jorge Luis Borges
dmg (at) uvic (dot) ca
replace (at) with @ and (dot) with .

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