Greetings tech and legal teams,


In the technical workgroup, we just completed a first pass review of all of
the terms and attributes proposed by Kris and the legal team.


The details can be found in the google doc:


The comments column represents the discussion in the tech team and includes
any proposed changes.  I added a column to include the proposed new name for
the element or attribute.


A couple of discussions I would like to highlight for the legal team.


We are proposing changing the names for many of the formatting element


We decided that some of the formatting tags have semantics - such as
ignoring bullets.  These should be included in the RDF form of the license.
Some of the formatting tags are strictly formatting - such as br.  These
will not be included in the RDF, but will be used to generate the HTML.


We also felt that we should use terms more human readable and different from
the HTML tags - e.g. newline instead of br.  There were two reasons:

.         more human readable for those not familiar with HTML 

.         they do represent 2 different problem spaces and should use
distinct terms


We also spent some time discussing the syn element.  We all agreed that we
should include a dictionary in XML form that would contain all of the
synonyms documented in the license matching guidelines.  We has some
concerns on including a syn element in the license XML files themselves.  In
particular, we were concerned that new synonyms could be introduced in the
license text that would be different from the matching guidelines.  We
concluded that we may want to push this to a release 2 since it requires
more discussion.


Please let us know if there is any concerns about the proposed terms and





Gary O'Neall

Principal Consultant

Source Auditor Inc.

Mobile: 408.805.0586

Email:  <>


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