Hi all,

Thanks to a lot of hard work by various members of the SPDX legal team, we have 
now (finally!) gone live with version 3.0 of the SPDX License List - including 
use of the new XML format for the master files and changes to the GNU license 
identifiers due to collaboration with the FSF. As always, you can see the new 
version at the usual place: https://spdx.org/licenses/ 

There is still some odds and ends to tidy up, and we’ll have a blog post with a 
more thorough description of the changes after the 1st of the year.  In the 
meantime, I hope everyone enjoys the holiday weekend and New Year’s festivities 
(in whatever form you choose)!

Thanks again to the massive effort by the SPDX legal team and tech team members 
who have tirelessly made this happen!



SPDX Legal Team co-lead

Spdx-tech mailing list

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