Hi Brad,


Thanks for the suggestion.  I use a commercial desktop app XML-Spy  myself.  I 
looked into open source and web based tools about a year ago before deciding to 
spend some money on XML-Spy.  The web based tools at the time were not that 
easy to use.  Others on the distribution list may have more recent and/or 
better experiences.


I did put up a new project idea before I saw your email.  It still may make 
sense to have a project which will make it easier to create the PR’s.  It could 
incorporate open source web based XML editors as part of the solution.


We’ll see if we get any proposals from the students – it is very late in the 
cycle to suggest new ideas.


If we don’t get any accepted proposals, I can take another look at the web 
based editors and help with the documentation.  If we do get accepted 
proposals, we can suggest the students leverage existing open source XML editor.




From: Brad Edmondson <brad.edmond...@gmail.com> 
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2018 3:04 PM
To: Krys Nuvadga <tetechri...@gmail.com>
Cc: Gary O'Neall <g...@sourceauditor.com>; spdx-tech@lists.spdx.org; SPDX-legal 
Subject: Re: [spdx-tech] Proposal for a new project idea for GSoC - request 
quick response from legal and tech teams


Thanks Gary,


I think this is interesting, but I wonder if we can get the same benefit for a 
lot less work if we whip up a little documentation on how to use a couple of 
existing XML editors with the XSD schema file (I haven't even tried to get this 
working but assume it is possible). That wouldn't give us a web-based dev 
environment, but I don't think we need that if we can get the changed made and 
new files added that we need. (Actually now that I mention web-based dev, 
potentially we could document how to use an existing web-based IDE 
 to edit the repo.)


What do people think of going in that direction?





Brad Edmondson, Esq.
512-673-8782 | brad.edmond...@gmail.com <mailto:brad.edmond...@gmail.com> 


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Krys Nuvadga <tetechri...@gmail.com 
<mailto:tetechri...@gmail.com> > wrote:

Hi Gary,

It's a genuine concern you just raised. But I'll rather the milestones for the 
the two projects be spell out clearly and then we can pick two students to work 
on them. I think we already have some proposals for the License Submittal 
project that make mention of the including the License XML editor. Adding that 
with Django the separate idea can be be developed on the existing Online tool 
as Django apps, just to avoid the code overlap and not spread resources 

Krys Nuvadga



On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 8:33 PM, <g...@sourceauditor.com 
<mailto:g...@sourceauditor.com> > wrote:

Background: The GSoC project idea Add New License Submittal Feature to Online 
Tool is quite popular with students 
  – at least 4 proposals are in progress for this one project.  Since we can 
only select one of the proposals, I would like to add another project idea of 
similar scope and usefulness to the community as an alternative project for 
students.  The deadline for submittals is coming up quickly – next Tuesday 27th!


One concern I have with the proposal is there is some overlap in code 
functionality with the existing license submittal project idea.  I personally 
think it would be fine to have this overlap and allow some duplication of code 
for the two projects.  Once the projects are complete, we could have a separate 
task to refactor and reduce the duplication.  


Action requested: For the legal team – please review the proposal below and 
reply if you feel this tool proposal would be useful by end of day Friday.  For 
the technical team, please provide feedback if you feel this proposal has too 
much technical overlap with the existing proposals.



Add a License XML Editor


The SPDX license list (see  <https://spdx.org/licenses/> 
https://spdx.org/licenses/) is maintained by the SPDX legal team. The source 
for the license list is maintained in the SPDX license-list-XML github 
repository ( <https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML> 
https://github.com/spdx/license-list-XML). Making changes to the license 
requires manually editing an XML file which can be challenging for contributors 
not familiar with XML.

An online program could be created which would take as input a license XML file 
uploaded from the client machine to the server.  The editor would allow editing 
of all of the XML fields as well as the optional and alternate text properties. 
 The editor would then save the changes and allow the updated file to be 
downloaded to the user’s client machine.  An optional feature would be to allow 
the input to be an existing license in the repository and automatically create 
a pull request with the changes.  Another optional feature would be to allow 
copy/paste of the license XML text into a text pane rather than 
uploading/downloading the file.

This project could be implemented in Python in the existing online tools.

Skills Needed

*        Development skills in the Python language

*        Knowledge of Git

*        Understanding of XML

Available Mentors

 <mailto:g...@sourceauditor.com> Gary O'Neall  
<mailto:rohit.lodha...@gmail.com> Rohit Lodha




Gary O'Neall

Principal Consultant

Source Auditor Inc.

Mobile: 408.805.0586 <tel:(408)%20805-0586> 

Email: g...@sourceauditor.com <mailto:g...@sourceauditor.com> 



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krys Nuvadga

Piar, Inc.

Spdx-tech mailing list
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