    Just a reminder that we'll be having our weekly tech call in a couple
of hours,  and the topic for today is how to handle some of the
requested changes to annotation types in SPDX Spec 2.2.

The github issues to review prior to the meeting is at:  #25
Expand ยง8.3.4 Annotation Type with new values (LICENSE, PATENT, COPYRIGHT,
EXPORT, TRADEMARK) and change cardinality

Goal is to confirm we're all ok with the enhancement, come out with an
outline of the approach, and next steps to add it.

Meeting info:

 Tuesdays at 17:00 UTC (10:00AM PDT, 11:00 MDT, 12:00PM CDT, 1:00PM
EDT,  18:00 WAT, 19:00 CEST).
 Optional dial in number: +1-415-881-1586
 No PIN needed

Kate & Gary
Spdx-tech mailing list

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