This will be a particularly interesting General Meeting. In addition to our 
normal team reporting, we will have two special topics:

·         A presentation from Georgia (Zeta) Kapitsaki on her research using 
SPDX at the Univ of Cyprus

·         Review of 2017 annual goals for SPDX by the Core Team


Meeting Time: Thurs, Jan 5, 8am PDT / 10 am CDT / 11am EDT / 15:00 UTC.

Conf call dial-in:
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Administrative Agenda
Minutes Approval

Special Presentation– Georgia (Zeta) Kapitsaki
License compatibilities and relevant tool in the framework of SPDX

Cross Functional Issues – Phil/All
Annual Goals
·         Roll out github-maintainable XML license templates
·         Define and approach to creating notice files from an SPDX doc
·         Develop a web-based license match tool
·         Implement tool to score a project’s licensing quality
·         Gain Apache/Eclipse Foundation adoption
·         Sponsor a Google Summer of Code Project
·         Conduct a supply chain management survey
·         Build “whole product” around the spec—what is required for adoption
·         Deploy existing SPDX group tools on web
·         Develop a github plug-in to generate an SPDX doc

Technical Team Report – Kate/Gary

Legal Team Report – Jilayne/Paul

Business Team Report – Jack

Topic: License compatibilities and relevant tool in the framework of SPDX
Licensing decisions for new Open Source Software are not always 
straightforward. However, the license that accompanies the software is 
important as it largely affects its subsequent distribution and reuse. License 
information for software products is captured - among other data - in the 
Software Package Data Exchange (SPDX) files. I will talk briefly about our 
research work and our tool for the validation of SPDX files regarding proper 
license use. Software packages described in SPDX format are examined in order 
to detect license violations that may occur when a  product combines different 
software sources that carry different and potentially contradicting licenses. 
The SPDX License Validation Tool (SLVT) gives the opportunity to check the 
compatibility of one or more SPDX files.

Brief biography:
Assistant Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of 
Cyprus (UCY) and faculty member of the Software Engineering and Internet 
Technologies (SEIT) laboratory in UCY. She received her PhD from the National 
Technical University of Athens, Greece (2009). Her research interests include: 
software engineering, service-oriented computing, open source software reuse 
and privacy enhancing technologies. She has published over 40 papers in 
international conferences and journals, has participated in conference 
organisation (e.g. ICSR 2016) and has served as a TPC member and referee in 
repudiated journals and conferences. She has been involved in EU FP6 and FP7 
projects and has worked as a software engineer in the industry.

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