On 22-Oct-06, at 12:55 PM, Recordon, David wrote:

> In the case where there are two realms:
> http://*.livejournal.com
> http://dick.livejournal.com
> I would have my IdP treat them as separate relying parties.  If the RP
> directly decided to set the realm differently, then I'd imagine the
> application has a reason for doing so.  This is of course different  
> than
> having a realm of http://*.livejournal.com and then a return_to of
> http://www.livejournal.com the first time and then
> http://dick.livejournal.com the second time, where my IdP would treat
> them as the same RP.
> So yes, RPs should be uniquely identified by the realm parameter.

I would agree with this. The spec does not specify that. Another  
thing to add to the edit list?

-- Dick
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