Gabe Wachob wrote:
 > Actually, the language was changed from "post to a
 > list", not "subscribe to a list" for this very reason.

It appears to me that your intent is, or should be, to
protect against patent trolls, who are likely to
retroactively patent the OpenID standard now that it is
being widely adopted.

In the US, you can file a patent in which you *claim*
you invented stuff one year prior to the patent

So the technology is first proposed and described on
this list, on 2006 December 7, 2006.  It is incorporated
into the standard and comes to be widely used around
about, say, 2007 August.  On 2007 December 5, 2007, the
patent troll has a friendly individual inventor file an
patent application claiming to have invented the
technology on 2007, december 6.

They keep the patent under water for a couple of years,
preventing it from being published, until evil unpopular
giant megacorp, say intel, has been using the technology
for some time.  They then surface the patent.  Should
intel fail to settle, they have inventor tell the jury
he is being oppressed by evil giant megacorp.  Jury
awards the patent troll a zillion dollars, and cabillion
on top of that.

Unfortunately, your proposed measure is of limited
effectiveness, since the our friend the highly jury
sympathetic inventor is probably not signed up on this
list, his expertise being primarily in being loved by
juries, rather than computer technology.

Indeed, no measures whatsoever are likely to be very
effective.  The patent office wants people to take out
more patents, just as Ford wants people to buy more
Fords.  The judiciary similarly wants more human
activity to be subject to patents, just as they want
more laws, and those laws of broader scope, hence the
steady shrinkage of any portion of the constitution that
begins "congress shall make no law ..."
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