Hey guys,
Was looking at
http://openid.net/specs/openid-service-key-discovery-1_0-01.html tonight
and curious why the decision was made to define the <PublicKey />
element which contains a link to the RSA key or X.509 certificate versus
embedding the key in the XRDS file?

>From the research I've done tonight, it looks like the W3C in 2002
described how to do this as part of xmldsig.  Seems like we can just use
the <KeyInfo> element.
They've also then recently put out a note describing the changes to that
document to match XML in 2006.

Is there something that I'm missing from the design standpoint as to why
this wasn't done?  If anything, it seems like it would reduce a fetch if
the key was in the XRDS file itself.

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