rob wrote:
> Martin Atkins wrote:
>> My proposal is that we make the core Auth 2.0 spec scheme-agnostic. It 
>> would just state that an identifier is "a URI". Later in the spec, where 
>> currently it enumerates a bunch of ways to do discovery, it'd just say 
>> "do discovery on the URI using an appropriate protocol". (or, indeed, 
>> words to that effect.) It would also nominate a standard XRDS service 
>> type URI to use during Yadis discovery.
> +1
> can we also use the opportunity to put i-names support in an extension?

If this were to take the form I described in my original message, 
effectively *all* discovery mechanisms become extensions. The HTTP/HTTPS 
one gets special treatment by getting referenced by a MUST in the core 
spec, but it's still a separate document.

i-names would be handled as part of the "OpenID Discovery for XRI URIs" 
specification I mentioned.

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