On 14-Mar-07, at 12:54 AM, Martin Atkins wrote:

> Rowan Kerr wrote:
> [snip]
>> So, openid.ns.ax = http://openid.net/srv/ax/1.0 implies
>> openid.ax.required.
>> But it could just as easily be openid.ns.foo = http://openid.net/srv/
>> ax/1.0
>> in which case, your sreg values would be in keys named openid.foo.*
> With the above naming scheme, it seems to me that you'd have to search
> the entire query argument map for a key,value pair where the value is
> the URL you're looking for and the key matches /^openid.ns.(\w+)$/.

Right, you do have to do that.. although the number of items to search
isn't all that large. It's just an extra step I hadn't accounted for  

> This seems sub-optimal, but I must admit I don't know what else to
> suggest. While putting the URL in the "key" and the prefix in the  
> value
> would not be invalid, it'd be troublesome in PHP where for historical
> reasons it mangles anything that wouldn't be a valid variable name.

PHP has enough troubles with dots in the key names :)


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