On 2-Apr-07, at 1:17 PM, Josh Hoyt wrote:

> On 4/2/07, Johnny Bufu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I think the missing namespace in SREG1.0 can cause problems; take
>> this example:
> I was not proposing that we drop the namespace. Just that we don't
> introduce a new URI when the protocol is otherwise identical, and
> instead just use the existing type URI as a namespace URI.
> That is, an SREG 1.1 request looks like:
> openid.ns.s=http://openid.net/sreg/1.0&openid.s.nickname=j3h
> not:
> openid.sreg.nickname=j3h

But the OP in my example doesn't supports only SREG1.0, so it will  
send the latter. And the RP who sent the request (SREG1.1 only)  
assumed that "http://openid.net/sreg/1.0"; in the OP's XRDS meant  
SREG1.1. So even though both parties do the right thing, the  
attribute transfer doesn't happen.

> If you use "sreg" as the namespace alias, SREG 1.1 is identical to  
> SREG 1.0.
> Is that clearer?

Sorry - I may be missing something, but I still say the problem  
remains: if a SREG1.1 party builds a message with a namespace alias  
different than "sreg", it can confuse the other party which may be  
expecting specifically "sreg".

Or, put it differently, identifying SREG1.1 with the same URI as  
SREG1.0 would require all RPs and OPs out there to add the namespace  
alias param to their messages, since it is required in OpenID2/ 
SREG1.1 (and that's what the URI also means).


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