On Sat, 2007-04-07 at 08:58 -0700, Douglas Otis wrote:

Oops.  I missed two references to keys.

4.1.  Protocol Messages
The OpenID Authentication protocol messages are mappings of plain-text
labels to plain-text values. The labels and values permit the full
Unicode character set (UCS). When the labels and values need to be
converted to/from bytes, they MUST be encoded using UTF-8(Yergeau, F.,
“UTF-8, a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646,” .)

Messages MUST NOT contain multiple parameters with the same label. 

Throughout this document, all OpenID message parameters are REQUIRED,
unless specifically marked as OPTIONAL. 

4.1.1.  Label-Value Form Encoding
A message in Label-Value form is a sequence of lines. Each line begins
with a field label, followed by a colon, and the value associated with
the label. The line is terminated by a single newline (UCS codepoint 10,
"\n"). A label or value MUST NOT contain a newline and a label also MUST
NOT contain a colon. 

Additional characters, including whitespace, MUST NOT be added before or
after the colon or newline. The message MUST be encoded in UTF-8 to
produce a byte string. 

Label-Value Form encoding is used for signature calculation and for
direct responses(Direct Response) to Relying Parties.  For brevity, this
specification may refer to sub-components of the label.  For example,
the field label "openid.mode" may be referenced as just "mode".  


This would then require all locations that use the term "key" when
referring to a field label to be changed to "label" 

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