Are you really proposing that we should redefine "First Name" again?

Probably badly, as it has been done >>1 times before? (because previous experience in, say, representing the name structure in non- western societies, typically doesn't get reused when things get redefined?)

My point, of course, is not about First Name.

What about simply pointing to established definitions where they exist and have some market traction, and only inventing new stuff where it doesn't exist?

On Apr 9, 2007, at 10:39, Brian Hernacki wrote:

The short answer is yes.

The longer answer is that while in a perfect world we’d have some great common schema we could just use, I’m not aware of any today. I worry that attempting to navigate the existing schema efforts would introduce significant delay. Also, approaching compatibility with a well thought out “open id schema” would likely make any such discussion easier. Clearly, any schema effort should consider existing models of use, compatibility with similar common technologies (e.g. Cardspace) and support for future change.


On 4/9/07 10:01 AM, "Recordon, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey Brian.
Just to clarify, I don't think there is disagreement that this should be discussed here. Rather the question is if discussion should be around creating a new schema on or rather looking at using an exisiting one such as that Mark posted about? Ie, discussion location aside, do you believe the OpenID project should be creating a new schema of its own?
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