On 18-May-07, at 11:09 AM, Recordon, David wrote:

> Hey Marius,
> Good point, committed a patch so please review! :)
> http://openid.net/svn/diff.php?repname=specifications&path=% 
> 2Fauthentica
> tion%2F2.0%2Ftrunk%2Fopenid-authentication.xml&rev=325&sc=1

That was fast :-)

Looks good, but I would add to that a sentence stating that you  
SHOULD put both sets of tags when editing HTML pages in order to be  
backwards compatible.


> Thanks,
> --David
> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Marius Scurtescu
> Sent: Friday, May 18, 2007 10:48 AM
> To: Dmitry Shechtman
> Cc: 'OpenID specs list'
> Subject: Re: Final outstanding issues with the OpenID
> 2.0Authenticationspecification
> On 18-May-07, at 1:00 AM, Dmitry Shechtman wrote:
>> 7.3.3. HTML-Based Discovery
>> A <LINK> tag MUST be included with attributes "rel" set to
>> openid2.provider"
>> and "href" set to an OP Endpoint URL
>> A <LINK> tag MAY be included with attributes "rel" set to
>> "openid2.local_id"
>> and "href" set to the end user's OP-Local Identifier
>> Could somebody please enlighten me as to what's wrong with leaving
>> those as "openid.server" and "openid.delegate" respectfully (i.e.
>> backward-compatible)?
> The new attribute values are needed in order to signal an OpenID 2
> provider.
> But you bring up a good point, backwards compatibility can be easily
> broken here.
> In order to be backwards compatible the HTML page should have two sets
> of tags one for OpenID 1.1 and one for OpenID 2.0, both pointing to  
> the
> same OP endpoint URL. Otherwise an OpenID 1.1 RP will not be able  
> to use
> the HTML page.
> Probably the spec should say this in section 7.3.3 and give clear
> instructions regarding OpenID 1.1 tags.
> Marius
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