On 30-Jul-07, at 8:48 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav wrote:
>>> In this case, it sounds like an XRDS document MUST no include both
>>> an OP Endpoint element and a Claimed Identifier element.
>> I don't see this implied anywhere. Do you have a specific pointer or
>> a clear reasoning for this?
> If an XRDS has both elements, the RP will try the server and if it  
> doesn't
> work for some reason (server down, etc.) it will move on to Yadis,  
> not to
> the next signon service ( If none is found, the RP will  
> search for a
> Claimed Identifier Element).

But an OP Identifier Element _was_ found, so the RP should not even  
process Claimed Identifier Elements, if they exist for whatever reason.

> It doesn't say "if none is found or all server
> endpoints have been attempted and failed". Ok, so MUST is wrong in my
> statement. It should be: "an XRDS document SHOULD not include both  
> an OP
> Endpoint element and a Claimed Identifier element".

The OpenID spec is not authoritative for what XRDS documents can or  
cannot contain; it just says how to consume them for the purposes of  
OpenID authentication.

>> It's the other way around: the OP Identifier Element has higher
>> priority, so the Claimed Identifier Element doesn't get used in such
>> a case.
> In this example, the OP Identifier element has a lower XRDS  
> priority than
> the Claimed Identifier Element. It's about the intention of the  
> document
> author - this one says use sigon before server. The OpenID 2.0 spec  
> implies,
> only use the priority value between services of the same element type.

The Service type supersedes the priority attribute; priority is taken  
into account for services of the same type.

This is what the protocol states, and the document's author intention  
does not override them ;-)

>>> Section is confusing:
>>> 1. Does it only apply to XRI identifiers, not to XRDS documents
>>> found during Yadis discovery?
>> Yes: "When the identifier is an XRI...".
> Only because it goes on discussing XRDS documents. Does the last  
> line about
> URL implies using Yadis to get to an XRDS document (where one would  
> find a
> Canonical ID to ignore as instructed)?

Yadis is used to get XRDS documents for URLs - not sure what you're  
asking here.

The last sentence aims to answer the question "what if I get a  
canonical id in an XRDS discovered from a URL".

>>> 4. The first line of the third paragraph is not needed.
>> True, the same MUST is in the second phrase of the first paragraph.
> Is this email enough to have an editor consider/make the change?

While not strictly needed, why is this particular reinforcement bad?

>>> 6. Last line is confusing. Where would a <CanonicalID> come from if
>>> using a
>>> URL identifier? This entire section is under XRDS discovery. Does
>>> it refer
>>> to the URL used in a Yadis discovery (I assume not)?
>> What made you think a canonical id is needed for URLs? It is not --
>> for URLs the claimed identifier is determined as described in the
>> normalization section.
> Exactly! So why is URL even mentioned here? See my point? :-)

Sorry, no. The URL case is mentioned to answer the valid question above.

>>> Also, from "HTML-Based discovery MUST be supported by
>>> Relaying Parties" is sounds like XRDS discovery is not required.
>> How do you come to this conclusion?
> See comments in previous email on XRI proxies.

Those do not come to the same conclusion - while support for XRIs is  
left for each RP to decide, the same does not apply to the XRDS /  
Yadis discovery for URLs.


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