Is the correct value for the openid.assoc_type parameter really “HMAC-256”, and 
not “HMAC-SHA256”? That is what the spec (draft 12) says, though it is somewhat 
counter-intuitive given the algorithm is named “HMAC-SHA256” and the other 
algorithm “HMAC-SHA1” uses the same string for the algorithm name and 
assoc_type value.

Googling for "assoc_type=HMAC-SHA256" finds 5 results (from 3 code bases?).
Googling for "assoc_type=HMAC-256" finds none.
“8.3.2.  HMAC-SHA256
An association of type "HMAC-256" uses the HMAC-SHA256 (Signature Algorithms) 
signature algorithm.”

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