FYI, it was precisely this reason that XRI 2.0 OASIS votes were shot down by
(Besides xri: scheme). The discussion between XRI TC and W3C TAG led to the
conclusion that XRI spec will use 303 (with link header, if needed) instead
of 302 redirect.


On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 3:13 PM, Eran Hammer-Lahav <>wrote:

> This does not imply anything with regard to my own position on this matter
> but I figured people on this list might find the latest debate [1] over the
> W3C TAG httpRange-14 issue interesting.
> Basically according to the httpRange-14 decision, a URI cannot represent
> both a 'person' and an 'information resource' (i.e. a blog). A blog must
> return HTTP 200 while a URI for a person should not, but return a 303
> instead. This is a very important architectural principal of the semantic
> web according to the W3C TAG.
> The recent debate is about URIs for relationships (as in the value of a rel
> attribute in a Link header or element). The W3C TAG want the IANA not to
> serve 200 responses for relationship URIs, but 303s. It is a fascinating
> discussion, even if you think it is closer to an episode of Melrose Place
> than a technical accomplishment...
> [1]
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