On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 1:49 AM, Martin Atkins <m...@degeneration.co.uk> wrote:
> James Henstridge wrote:
>> On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 3:33 AM, Luke Shepard <lshep...@facebook.com>
>> wrote:
>>> One crude way to do it would be to have the caller specify that they want
>>> the return_to args simply appended instead of integrated into the URL-
>>> perhaps an argument like openid.append_return_to_params=true. But that
>>> sounds hackish and I’d love to hear feedback on a better way to do this.
>> How would this interact with OpenID providers that respond via a POST
>> request instead of a GET?  This is something they are permitted to do
>> according to the spec, and may decide to do so even if the
>> authentication request was started with a GET if the response is large
>> enough.
> This is a good point, but it seems like again it can be worked around by
> making openid_reciever.html accept POST requests.
> Unlike the query string, this can't be done completely client side, but it
> ought to be reasonably simple to set up some kind of rewriterule or other
> indirection trick to make POST requests to openid_reciever.html actually get
> served by a non-static endpoint.

Any intermediate caches would also drop their cached versions when
they see a POST request too (assuming they follow the standards), but
I suppose it'd still be a win if the POST requests are infrequent.

This is starting to become a lot more complicated than the "simple
static return_to page" from the initial proposal though.

> To be honest, I'd be surprised if POST requests from OP to RP worked
> interoperably today, but the trick of using the # on the end of the
> return_to URL to signal to a supporting OP "I'm trying to do this completely
> client-side, so don't do a POST request" works here too.

Disallowing post responses limits the use of the more verbose
extensions (e.g. attribute exchange).  While this might be acceptable
for Luke's particular use case, it might leave it unsolved for others.
 It might be worth going back to basics and considering whether there
are other solutions.

The stated aim was to provide the best user experience possible for
running an OpenID authentication request through a pop up window and
then communicating the results back to the main window.

Luke's proposal is one possible solution, but I wouldn't want to
impose limitations on the specification if there is an alternative
that also solves the problem.

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