The openid-test page is pretty old, from what I heard from Janrain a few
months ago.  Can you verify whether this behavior holds true on their recent
demo RPs such as ?

If so, please file a bug with them.  The relevant section of the spec is
OpenID 2.0 section 7.2 bullet 3.
Andrew Arnott
"I [may] not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death
your right to say it." - Voltaire

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 9:44 PM, SitG Admin <
> wrote:

>  I believe the spec says that if the user were to enter a fragment, the RP
>> should trim it off before sending the auth request to the OP.
> I tried it here:
> The output began with
> Checking
> Fetching
> I just checked Pibb, too; it recognized me. I ran the openidenabled.comtests 
> again, this time checking Apache's access.log and comparing to what
> Pibb sent me there with; Pibb looked for my OpenID headers at '/', but
> specifically requested '/#generation':
> Identity authenticated as
> I'm currently using the library; I can work around that
> behavior for now, but will just make it a cheap kludge until I know whether
> a future version will have a better (integrated) solution.
> -Shade
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