2nd Morning Conference presented by the Daniel Langlois Foundation

The artists and engineers of 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, New York, 
1966 Saturday, October 28, 2006, 10:30 a.m., Fellini Theatre, Ex-Centris 
Complex, 3536 St-Laurent Blvd., Montreal. Doors open at 10:00 a.m. - no 
reserved seating. Free admission. Passes available (maximum 2 per person) 
beginning October 14, 2006, at the Festival du nouveau cinéma box office, 
located at the Just for Laughs Museum.

The Daniel Langlois Foundation joins the Festival du nouveau cinéma in 
presenting its second Morning Conference, with Ms. Clarisse Bardiot, a 2005 
researcher in residence at the Foundation's Centre for Research and 
Documentation (CR+D).

Ms. Clarisse Bardiot will present the findings of her research into 9 Evenings: 
Theatre and Engineering. This unprecedented event brought together the two 
seemingly different worlds of artists and engineers in a "new media" experience 
before the term itself even existed. The conference will feature photos, plans 
and diagrams, excerpts of film shot during the performances, and the Web site 
created by Ms. Clarisse Bardiot and the Foundation during her residency:

Research Results: And then it was now, by Frances Dyson

Each year, the Grants for Researchers in Residence program provides two 
researchers with an opportunity to work at the Foundation's Centre for Research 
and Documentation (CR+D) as well as access to its archive fonds and 

Frances Dyson (Ph.D.) was a CR+D researcher in residence in 2004. She primarily 
focused her work on the 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering fonds and the 
collection of documents published by Experiments in Art and Technology 
(E.A.T.). In this publication, Dyson analyzes the discourse on art and 
technology and the social utopias surrounding E.A.T. projects between 1966 and 
1972. Ms. Dyson also examines the aspect of sound in the performances of John 
Cage, Alex Hay and David Tudor during 9 Evenings: Theatre and Engineering, held 
in 1966:

2nd DOCAM Annual Summit : Montreal, October 26, 2006

The Daniel Langlois Foundation is pleased to announce that the second annual 
summit of the DOCAM Research Alliance (Documentation and Conservation of the 
Media Arts Heritage) will be held at the McGill University Schulich School of 
Music in Montreal on October 26, 2006.

DOCAM is a major multidisciplinary research endeavour initiated by the Daniel 
Langlois Foundation in collaboration with numerous national and international 
partners and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of 

The second annual summit will provide an opportunity for members of the DOCAM 
research committees to report on the progress of research into the challenges 
of preserving and documenting technology-based works of art.

Among the guest speakers slated to appear at the summit are Pip Laurenson of 
the Tate Modern in London, Mona Jimenez from New York University, Hans Dieter 
Huber from the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart, Matthew 
Biederman, video performance artist and technologist, and Canadian artist Vera 

For more information and the complete summit program, please consult the 
Alliance's Web site at: http://www.docam.ca/

Surajit Sarkar begins residency at the OBORO New Media Laboratory

In December 2005, the Foundation announced that Surajit Sarkar (India) had been 
named the first grant recipient for the Research and Experimentation 
Residencies in Montreal for Professional Artists from Emerging Countries or 
Regions. This residency program is jointly offered by the Daniel Langlois 
Foundation and OBORO, a Montreal art centre supporting the creation and 
presentation of artworks, contemporary practices and new media.

Mr. Sarkar arrived from New Delhi on September 22 to begin his residency in 
Montreal and will work at the OBORO laboratory until early November. The 
objective of his residency is to bring together digital Internet streaming 
technologies, performance arts and GSI (Geographic Information System) mapping 
techniques in order to create a working prototype to serve as the basis for the 
Ring of Blue project:

Please note that September 30 was the application deadline for this program. 
Residency recipients for 2007 will be announced by the end of 2006.

Grants for Researchers in Residence: Deadline October 31, 2006

This year, the deadline for submission of research proposals for the Grants for 
Researchers in Residence Program is October 31, 2006. 

A number of changes were recently made to this program, including the 
introduction of two research components: CR+D documentary collections and 
archival fonds and Information architecture and online publishing. As in 
previous years, the Daniel Langlois Foundation will award two research grants 
for 2007. The proposals selected will allow researchers to work at the 
Foundation's Centre for Research and Documentation (CR+D). Anyone interested in 
submitting a research proposal is asked to read the new program guidelines, 
which can be found at:

Please note: an online form is now available on our site and must be used by 
anyone wishing to apply for this program:

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