Orgasmatic Implosion

Orgasmatic Implosion it's a video realized during the Peenemünde [xxxxx] workshop and shown in Transmediale 2008.

video by: Tatiana Bazzichelli, Federico Bucalossi, Gaia Novati.
see on:
(also available on: )

[HTI Peenemünde/HKW Berlin 25/26/27/28/30 January 2008]
Peenemünde [xxxxx] presented an intense, conspiratorial two day long working group/workshop within a key, historical location actively examining that fiction which presents a dark heart of technology (as evidenced by electromagnetic practice), and a vivid relation to entropy/ecology.

Orgasmatic Implosion, a video by:

Tatiana Bazzichelli [it/de]
Tatiana Bazzichelli is a communication sociologist and an expert in hacktivism, art and net culture. Since the 90s she organizes events and conventions. She is the founder of 'Activism-Hacking-Artivism', a networked project based in Berlin, honorary mention in the Digital Communities category of the Prix Ars Electronica 2007. In 2006 she published the book "Networking. The net as Artwork", a reconstruction of the history of artistic networking in Italy. - -

Federico Bucalossi [it]
Federico Bucalossi is an Italian artist with over 10 years experience in the field of multimedia art. He has a background as a multimedia artist, multimedia director, video art director, web designer, trainer and consultant. He is member of the groups: Strano Network (computer-internet Art), Yellowcake (Electronic performances for the label KK records, Belgium), Quinta Parete (Art Minimal TV).

Gaia Novati [it/de]
Gaia Novati is involved since many years in the Italian queer countercultural movement. Co-founder of Sexyshock, communication laboratory on gender theme and first sex-shop managed by women in Italy, she is one of the organizers of Cum2Cut, Indie-Porn-Short-Movies Festival in Berlin (2006-2008).

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