dear katerina, friends,

the website for ISEA 2009 is now available at


ps: i am glad to unofficially announce here that we will be organising the ISEA 2010 in the german Ruhr area (dortmund, essen, duisburg, ...) in august 2010, as part of the 'european cultural capital' programme. we are preparing the first promo-material and rudimentary website at the moment; please, expect a 'call for big ideas' this autumn, and the regular call for projects, presentations, etc., in the summer of 2009, with a deadline probably in september 2009.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Andreas Broeckmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 9:24 AM
Subject: [spectre] info ISEA 2009 Belfast

dear friends,

as a first info about the 2009 edition of ISEA in Belfast, somebody sent me a scan of the 2-page flyer which announces the dates (23 Aug -1 Sept 2009), themes (esp. Enganged Creativity in Mobile Environments), and submission deadline (15 Sept 2008).

the zip-file can be downloaded from:

[this link is now dead]

the website is not up yet, it seems.

please, contact the organisers at [EMAIL PROTECTED] for any other queries.


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