Date: Thu, 04 Dec 2008 01:36:39 +0100

We are happy to announce the call for video entries for the new edition of BEYOND MEDIA <>, international festival of architecture and media. The event, devoted to the most advanced visualizations in architecture and to the debate on the relationships between the project and the means of its communication, will take place at the Stazione Leopolda in Florence, Italy, July 9-17, 2009.

Organized by Image <>, and curated by Marco Brizzi, BEYOND MEDIA has been constantly observing, since 1997, the development of the systems of communication in the field of architecture by evaluating their impact on contemporary architectural production and by promoting their understanding and enhancing their quality. The festival offers its visitors an articulate and rich program of events. The screening of the videos which are selected internationally complement an intense calendar of conferences and workshops with the protagonists of the international debate and of architecture exhibitions which elaborate on the theme of the festival.

The theme for the forthcoming edition of BEYOND MEDIA is VISIONS.

It seems as if contemporary architecture lost, in the last years, its ability to pursue broad visions, to collect with a wide outlook the complex transformations of the built environment, to lead its thoughts and consciousness beyond that which is usual, empirical, and visible. The massive production and consumption of architectural images resulted in a greater vicinity, on the part of the general public, to design issues. But, at the same time, they produced an alteration in the way people conceive architecture, and affected the ability and the opportunity for architects to generate visions, and hence theories, which are deeply rooted in our times but, at the same time, are receptive towards new possible scenarios.

We are looking for people with an architectural vision. A really new and effective one! As we check the architects' sight, the event will welcome crazy, mad, or mystic people, philosophers, politicians, opticians who will present their personal visions.

We are expecting to present videos and authors that are able to demonstrate how much we are lacking visions, nowadays, despite the apparent proliferation of innovative concepts and images. We are concerned by the fact that most of these images are pure expressions our own times. Not enough about our future.

Deadline for video submissions is January 31, 2009.

The call for entries is posted on the official BEYOND MEDIA website <>

With kind regards,


c/o iMage
via Venti Settembre 84, 50129 Firenze, ITALY
tel: +39 055 4684 187, fax: +39 055 4624 808
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