Nove Tendencije / Nuove Tendenze Art and Architecture in the 60's: Zagreb – Milano
International Conference

organized by Alessandro De Magistris and Ivica Covic

Wednesday, May 30th 2012
Politecnico di Milano - Scuola di Architettura e Società
Museo Del Novecento, Milano

In the last century, during the fifties and sixties, we have seen a definition of unprecedented scenarios of relationship and contamination between art and architecture. They have combine the perspectives of design research related to scientific, technological and structural concepts, the exploration of the traditional boundaries of art and of artistic work has been called into question with the exploration of new concepts and relationships between art, space and environment. The developments of “situationism” and the expressions of so-called "spatial urbanism" in France, some radical experiences that characterize the design cultures in the Central Europe, the Nove Tendencije movement in Zagreb, are some of the most important steps of the season of postwar renewal in architecture and art. Its epicenter was the Europe marked by the Cold War and by the economic boom, accompanied with extraordinary intellectual fermentation and with the opening to the mass culture. The conference Nove Tendencije / Nuove Tendenze. Art and Architecture in the 60's: Zagreb - Milan is the first in a series of appointments that the ESTLAB research group of Politecnico di Milano aims to promote and to study deeper as the one of the most decisive phase in the history of art and design culture in the second half of twentieth century At that time, Zagreb and Milan were leading centers of, closely linked, research and innovative trends in art. In the case of Yugoslavia, following the idea of innovation of the architectural culture, weaving a network of exchange was destined to mark some of the crucial pages of European cultural history. Different researchers and direct protagonists of that time, are called to espouse and discuss this important historical moment during a one day study meeting, which will take place between the Politecnico di Milano and the Museo Del Novecento.


Section One 10-00 a.m. – 1.45 p.m.
Scuola di Architettura e Società, Via Bonardi 3
aula Rogers

Alessandro De Magistris (Politecnico di Milano / DiAP)

Ivica Covic (Politecnico di Milano / DiAP)
Political Criticism: Arhitektura & CIP Hrvoje Klasic (Faculty of Humanities and Social Science, Zagreb) Between East and West – Yugoslavia ‘50s & ‘60s

Darko Fritz (Freelance artist and researcher, Amsterdam, Zagreb)
[New] Tendencies – International Art Network That Transgressed The Cold War (1961-1973/1978)

Ivan Rupnik (Harvard University / Northeastern University, Boston)
Vinceslav Richter’s Reciprocal Agents Karin Serman (Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb) Abstraction as a Tool: Main Attributes of Croatian Art and Architecture in the 1950s and 1960s

Maroje Mrduljas (Faculty of Architecture, Zagreb)
Cellular configurations in Croatian Architecture in the 1960’s and early 1970’s

Section Two 3.00 p.m. – 4.00 p.m.
Scuola di Architettura e Società, Via Bonardi 3  aula Rogers

Alice De Vecchi (Università degli Studi di Urbino)
Space. Body. Movement. The Interactive Environmemnts of  the Gruppo T

Giovanni Rubino (Università degli Studi di Udine)
Between Italy and Croatia: Art, Technique and Ideology in the New Tendencies

Matko Mestovic (The Institute of Economics, Zagreb)
The Legacy of New Tendencies, Tendencies and Computer

Giovanni Anceschi (Milano, IUAV, Venezia)
Closing discourse and introduction to the visit to Museo dell Novecento

Section Three 5.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.
Museo del Novecento, Piazza del Duomo, 14

Giovanni Anceschi: Gli ambienti del Gruppo –T (guided visit)

Section Four 6.00 p.m. – 7.30  p.m.
Museo del Novecento, Piazza del Duomo, 14,  Sala Conferenze

Round Table with
Giovanni Anceschi, Alessandro De Magistris, Jerko Denegri, Vittorio Gregotti, Matko Mestrovic, Francesco Poli, Marina Pugliese.

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Sandro De Mgistris Tvrtko Jakovina Corinna Morandi Francesco Poli Marina Pugliese ______________________________________________
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