200 OK
part of the Internet Error Messages project
Horticultural unit and live video webcast

FIELDS Exhibition and Art+Communication Festival, Riga
curated by Rasa Smite, Raitis Smits and Armin Medosch
May 15 – August 3, 2014

200 OK is a horticultural unit made of Sesleria plants in size 2 x 7
meters. A live internet video stream shows the site of the installation
embedded in natural and social (inter)actions over three months. The
installation is made in form of a low-resolution screen reading the text
“200 OK”. The surroundings of the art installation are captured in such a
manner by the camera that the plant-shaped letters 200 OK acting as a film
200 OK is part of the Internet Error Messages series of artworks that has
been developed by Darko Fritz since 2001. In particular, the message “200
OK” is a status code showing that the request has succeeded. The
information returned with the response is dependent on the method used in
the request. The interpretation of the work “200 OK” is open, and doesn’t
necessary fit into any single interpretation frame.

Horticulture unit 200 Ok is supervised by landscape architect Inga
Langenfelde, Botanical Garden - University of Latvia.


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FIELDS Exhibition
Arsenals Exhibition Hall of the Latvian National Museum of Art

Botanical Garden - University of Latvia


Darko Fritz


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