Due to the passivity and laxness towards the encouragement and diffusion of art and culture by our society, MADATAC, a non-profit, independent project, platform of the most innovative and international audiovisual art, is compelled to ask three questions to take the pulse of the street and find ways to keep alive its extensive quality programming:

a) Would you be willing to pay a ticket to attend the activities of the upcoming MADATAC Sixth Edition, which until now has always maintained a free entrance for all its programming?

b) Would you be willing to participate on a crowfunding in order that MADATAC activities could be carried out?

c) Would you be willing to be patron of MADATAC to contribute to its maintenance in exchange for beign part of the festival honorary chart and receive counterparts within its activities? (if so here you can make your contribution http://madatac.es/en/donate/ <http://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fmadatac.es%2Fen%2Fdonate%2F&h=lAQHm5XOw&s=1><http://www.madatac.es/archivos/essayprize2.pdf>

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**FACEBOOK: ****http://www.facebook.com/MADATAC****
**PROMO: __www.vimeo.com/madatac__*
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