Dear all

I hope you can join our drinks reception this Friday, 20th January, for the 
launch of the new exhibition at Watermans, Objects of Transcendence.

Objects of Transcendence looks at how the object can transcend its individual 
meaning to make a social or political comment. It brings together the work of 
leading contemporary artists Ele Carpenter, Jeremy Hutchison, Jasleen Kaur and 
Matthew Plummer-Fernandez.

The exhibition explores how each of the artists focuses on materiality in their 
own art practices and how the language emerging from the object can draw our 
attention, challenging our way of seeing reality, and rewarding us with new 
perspectives on a range of contemporary issues. From portraits built from 
Amazon's purchase-behaviour algorithms to everyday items bathed in 
radioactivity, this is an exhibition that will spark new ways of thinking.

Objects of Transcendence continues until 5 March.
More information:

Best wishes


Irini Papadimitriou
Head of New Media Arts Development
40 High Street

Direct line: +44 (0)20 8232 1012[X]
Admin: +44 (0)20 8232 1020[X]

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