"Interaction was the word I used 20 years ago when I talked about my work
in hypertext. Today I need other words: one word, I already wrote about it
in my last post, is Agency Art. Another might be Intra-action. This word
could be usefull to analyze my works of collaborative performance art,
where it is not really clear what is causing what, where the agency is –
not between clearly distinguishable entities, but coming from within a
whole, where server conditions, individual computers, webcam and sound
devices, as well as the voices and images of the co-performers, local light
conditions and family situations are all entangled in what Karen Barad
would call the phenomenon."
>From https://aabrahams.wordpress.com/2017/02/06/inter-intra-action-eng/

I am not done with these yet. Somewhere soon hopefully something more
concrete on Agency Art and maybe Bohrian Apparatusses.

All the best
Annie Abrahams


I like the concept of Agency Art because it doesn’t take any technology or
medium as it’s starting point, but puts what these make possible in the

J’aime beaucoup la notion d'Agency Art, parce que elle ne prend pas un
medium, ou une technologie comme point de départ, mais met en avant ce que
celles-ci rendent possible.
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