
sorry for cross-posting

Climate Whirl // Forest - Climate - Time

5-6.4. 2017, Helsinki

The subtle changes happening over the course of long periods of time can be 
understood via persistent work, trial and error, and through broad observation 
and thought combining various disciplines. Forest-Climate-Time gives the floor 
to the explorers of climates, life and time, for those who approach their 
research topics from multiple angles. Neither subjects nor viewpoints are tied 
to certain disciplines or species. Instead, we look for encounters and 
interplay between sciences, arts, people, trees and other organisms. The event 
is realised by Climate Whirl team.

The guests are academy professor Timo Vesala (University of Helsinki), artist 
Agnes Meyer-Brandis (DE), filmmaker Lotta Petronella, historian Laura Hollstén 
(Åbo Akademi), professor emeritus Ilppo Vuorinen (University of Turku), sound 
artist Lau Nau (FI), artist group IC-98 (FI), professor emeritus  of 
Environmental Politics Yrjö Haila (University of Tampere). The workshops are 
lead by forest researchers Kourosh Kabiri, Janne Korhonen (University of 
Helsinki) and artist Mari Keski-Korsu(FI). The program is curated by Ulla 
Taipale, and, supported by  Kone Foundation. 

The event will be realised during a 2-day programme in April 2017;
-a seminar on Wednesday 5th April at WHS Theatre Union, (Siltavuorenranta 18, 
Helsinki), free entrance
-an active trekking and exploration day on Thursday 6th April at Vuosaari 
territory, forest and a sauna (registration fee 20€)

For more info: http://climatewhirl.fi/en/upcoming-events 

ulla taipale

Capsula [art-science-nature]

+358 40 5110 214 (finland)

u...@capsula.fi <mailto:u...@capsula.fi>

www.capsula.fi <http://www.capsula.fi/>
www.melliferopolis.net <http://www.melliferopolis.net/>
www.climatewhirl.fi <http://www.climatewhirl.fi/>

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