Hello all,
Seeking submissions for a Journal and Exhibition related to cancellation.  
Please send all inquiries regarding Cancelled and submissions to 
Shortened call is pasted below,  feel free to share.
See full call with links here: 


Call for submissions for two forthcoming issues—No 3: “Art & Herbarium” and No 
4: “Cancelled”
Unlikely – Journal for Creative Arts
Unlikely is a transdisciplinary journal, which opens unexpected spaces for 
artistic exchange and scholarly conversations across mediums, disciplines and 
continents. Unlikely supports the research community of practitioners, makers, 
and scholars working in the creative arts.
This international, peer-reviewed publication presents the opportunity for 
artists working in practice-led research to engage in conversation with a range 
of arts scholars on contemporary concerns. As an experiment in form, Unlikely 
engages its audience and contributors in a two-stage process of live event, 
presenting creative practitioners’ works, followed by peer-reviewed electronic 
Contributions may take the form of artistic works and their documentation, as 
well as scholarly articles. Please download the call for each issue and type of 
works for submission guidelines from our website <http://unlikely.net.au/news>.
Issue 2: “Field Work” <http://unlikely.net.au/issues/issue-2> is out now
“Fields”: arenas for action; social discourses; professional areas of practice; 
knowledge disciplines.
Guest editors: Lucas Ihlein and Brogan Bunt
With artistic and scholarly contributions from Adva Weinstein, Campbell Drake & 
Jock Gilbert, Becky Nevin Berger, Dvaid Barzier & Kelda Free, Dominic Redfern, 
Marnie Badham & Kate Hill & Ted Purves & Susanne Cockrell & Amy Spiers, Laura 
Fisher, Alinta Krauth, Sean Lowry, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Maria Miranda, Meghan Moe 
Beitiks, Vanessa Berry, Johanna Hällsten & Catherine Clover & Shauna Laurel 
Journal issue 3: “Art & Herbarium”—call for submissions
Guest editors: Thomas Bristow and Danielle Wyatt
About: Herbaria and natural history archives must be more than repositories for 
artifacts and scientific information. Curators of these collections are aware 
that while the archives have always been invested with human passions, natural 
collections are now laden with distinctly contemporary affect as ‘nature’ comes 
under threat from global challenges like species extinction, habitat loss and 
the impacts of man-made climate change. While natural collections institutions 
aim to improve our ecological futures through scientific research, it is clear 
that ecological literacy also requires involving diverse publics in more 
embodied, empathetic and ethical relationships with the natural systems that 
sustain our life on this planet.
Selected proposals for creative or schloarly works will be published on 
Unlikely—along with art works commissioned as part as an art exhibition at 
Lab14 in March 2017 in Melbourne.
Download: call for creative works/papers <http://unlikely.net.au/issues/issue-2>
Deadline for abstracts/proposals for all types of submissons: March 19, 2017
Notification by April 2
Final submission due July 2
Journal issue 4: “Cancelled”—call for submissions
Guest editor: Maia Nichols
They say “[t]he time of heroes is over” [1], hoping to bury with it all forms 
of heroism. Certain key aspects of society are irretrievable, crossed out, 
eliminated. On the one hand, some purposefully act under the guise of 
nonchalance, taking up a void status as strategic positioning. These can be 
seen to act up “be unruly” or to act out “behave anti-socially” within the 
world. On the other hand, the impetus for “Cancelled” will be to consider 
agency and alternative models of questioning globalized capital, by rethinking 
the productive legacy of nihilist strategies and their temporal effects. This 
exhibition invites artworks that consider how the fields of communication, 
hacking, design, architecture, activism, scientific or artistic practices 
produce effects through cancellation, deflection, or discretion.
[1] Bernadette Corporation, Get rid of Yourself, 2003.
Selected proposals for creative arts works for “Cancelled” will be be 
exhibited/performed at a live event. This will be either in May 2016 at the 
Situation Room in Los Angeles and/or in June 2016 at Eastern Bloc in Montreal.
Download: call for creative works 
<http://unlikely.net.au/news/cancelled-call-for-creative-works> / call for 
papers <http://unlikely.net.au/news/cancelled-call-for-papers>
Deadline for proposals for creative works: March 12, 2017
Notification by March 26
Final submission of creative works due May 1
Deadline for abstracts for papers: March 19
Notification by April 2
Final submission of papers due July 2
Expression of Interest to edit an issue of Unlikely
Unlikely welcomes proposals for guest-edited issues, including the two-stage 
process of live event, presenting creative practitioners’ works, followed by 
peer-reviewed electronic publication.
Please send proposals to i...@unlikely.net.au <mailto:i...@unlikely.net.au>
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