Dear Spectrites,

In French, we have this saying "In May, Do as You Please". Why don't you
treat yourself and join us to the *final event* in the *"Trust Me, I'm An
Artist"* series and to the project *Group Exhibition* that take place
in *Amsterdam
May 12th and 13th 2017*?

*"Trust me, I'm an Artist"* investigates the new ethical issues arising
from art and science collaboration and consider the roles and
responsibilities of the artists, scientists and institutions involved.

With their *performance* *"Be-wildering",* *Kira O'Reilly and Jennifer
Willet* will bring (or perhaps smuggle) a variety of living materials to
the Theatrum Anatomicum of the Waag building in Amsterdam, questioning
which species are allowed in which ecologies, the laboratory as ecology and
the wilderness as lab.

The performance takes place on Friday May12th 2017, at Waag Society,
Nieuwmarkt 4, Amsterdam, from 19h30 to 22h00

And the next day, *Saturday 13th May 2017* is the *opening of the "Trust
Me, I'm An Artist" Group Show* that will be on display from May 13th to
June 25th Zone2Source’s Het Glazen Huis in the Amstelpark, Amsterdam. Open
Friday – Saturday - Sunday 1 am – 5 pm, or by appointment.

This exhibition shows the artworks that are the result of a series of
performative events that took place between 2015 till 2017. During these
events artists proposed and presented an ethically complex artwork to a
specially formed ethics committee. While following the rules and procedures
typical for the host country, the ethics committee would debate the
proposal and come to a decision. During the performance the artist is
informed of the ethics committee’s decision and, together with the
audience, enters into a discussion about the result.

The artists and collaborators are Martin O’Brien (GB), Gina Czarnecki (GB)
& John Hunt (GB), Anna Dumitriu (GB), Špela Petrič (SLO), Jennifer Willet
(CAN) & Kira O’Reilly (GB/FIN) and Howard Boland (GB), Erich Berger
(AT/FIN) & Mari Keto (FIN). The artworks are in part commissioned by the
projects *Trust me, I’m an artist*, except for those of Erich Berger & Mari
Keto and Howard Boland.

The exhibition is curated by Anna Dumitriu and Lucas Evers and the project
partners Nicola Triscott, Louise Emma Whiteley, Jurij Krpan.

The "*Trust Me, I'm an Artist*" project is supported by funding from the
Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.


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