Dear all

I hope you can join us for the launch event of our new exhibition, Gravitate by 
Esther Rolinson at Watermans, and special event in partnership with CAS; artist 
Esther Rolinson and Douglas Dodds, the V&A's Senior Curator of Digital Art, 
will discuss Rolinson's new exhibition, in which her drawings and light 
installation Flown will be exhibited together for the first time.
The exhibition opens on Wednesday 7 June.

The conversation will take place in the theatre and will last approximately 45 
minutes, followed by drinks in the gallery. All are welcome - please book your 
free ticket on our website.

Gravitate Exhibition Launch Event
Wednesday 7 June, 6.30-8.30pm
Theatre, FREE

Gravitate gives insight into Rolinson’s meditative drawing process in which she 
explores sensations, structures, movements and connections. Hand-made pencil 
drawings on paper are often digitally manipulated to experiment with forms in 
light and colour, and simple combinations of lines are repeated building up 
complex forms. Rolinson's construction rules are a method of disassociating 
from conscious thoughts and allowing spatial patterns and movements to emerge. 
Some of these works conclude like solved puzzles, whilst others have the 
potential to grow infinitely.
Her installations are immersive, extendable structures that can be adjusted to 
fit diverse environments from light festivals to art galleries.  In 2016 she 
was awarded The Lumen Global Digital Arts Prize Sculpture and 3D Award, and the 
first prize at the inaugural International Art CHI Exhibition, Computer and 
Human Interaction Conference, San Jose, California for Flown developed in 
collaboration with artist and programmer Sean Clark. Examples of Esther's 
drawings and prints have been acquired by Victoria and Albert Museum, London.

Best wishes

Head of New Media Arts Development
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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