Remote Control - Scales of Mediated Intervention
International conference, June 29th and 30th 2017
Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung
Sophienstrasse 22a, 10178 Berlin
Central Laboratory (2nd courtyard, 2nd floor)
(Please RSVP online, participation is free of charge)

The two-day conference assembles scholars from different disciplines to discuss 
the conditions and scales of remote control in contemporary media practice. It 
covers three perspectives on remotely controlled interventions:  
The practices of remote intervention as ways of operating „from a distance“, 
such as the transmission of commands in robotics. 
The infrastructures of remote intervention as ways of defining the 
possibilities of action, such as user interfaces, databases or control 
The politics of remote intervention as a transformation of the relation between 
humans and machines, such as the distribution of responsibility in remote 
Read the full concept at:

Jennifer Gabrys (Goldsmiths, University of London)
Timothy Lenoir (University of California, Davis)
Jutta Weber (University of Paderborn)

Antoine Bousquet (Birbeck, University of London), Matthias Bruhn (HfG 
Karlsruhe, Humboldt University of Berlin), Katherine Chandler (Georgetown 
University), Luci Eldridge (Royal College of Art, London),  Nina Franz 
(Humboldt University of Berlin), Carolin Höfler (Cologne University of Applied 
Sciences), Matteo Pasquinelli (HfG Karlsruhe),  Moritz Queisner (Cluster of 
Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt University of Berlin), Isabell 
Schrickel (Leuphana University), Lucy Suchman (Lancaster University)

Conference chairs: 
Nina Franz, PhD-scholar of the Gerda Henkel Foundation; Kathrin Friedrich, 
Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt University of 
Berlin; Moritz Queisner, Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, 
Humboldt University of Berlin; Lisa Weber, student associate, Cluster of 
Excellence Image Knowledge Gestaltung, Humboldt University of Berlin

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