Art Takes on Ethics

Nora Vaage reviews 'Trust Me, I'm an Artist', an exhibition organized in 
cooperation with the Waag Society at Zone2Source's Het Glazen Huis in 
Amstelpark, in the outskirts of Amsterdam. The artworks: challenge, stretch, 
and provoke ideas about the ethical complexities of emerging (bio)technologies. 
From masks grown from skin cells to dress patches containing gene-edited E. 
coli bacteria, the works give us new grounds for reflection on ethics, trust, 
and responsibility in science, society and art.

The explorations in the exhibition have taken place through a play on the 
format of 'the ethics committee'. In university contexts, particularly within 
medicine and the natural sciences, researchers need to submit their proposals 
to ethics committees to check whether their proposed projects comply with the 
relevant ethical guidelines, and to point to any issues the researchers hadn't 
thought of.

Wishing you well.

Marc Garrett

Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.
Art, technology and social change, since 1996

Furtherfield Gallery & Commons in the park

Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ
Currently writing a PhD at Birkbeck University, London

Curating, Touring Exhibition
Monsters of the Machine:Frankenstein in the 21st Century
At Laboral, Spain until Sept 2017
Visiting other countries soon...

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