ARTNODES 20th Issue

Call for Papers: Art and Research

Deadline: 1 September 2017

It is true to say that research has been linked traditionally solely to
sciences as a form of knowledge par excellence. Martin Heidegger spoke in
this sense of research as the essence of science and a defining phenomenon
of modernity. Theodor W. Adorno placed research alongside instrumental
reason, and therefore contrary to art. Even Gilles Deleuze defined art as a
way of thinking with sensations and emotions that had nothing to do with
science and its functions. However, the fact is that, for some years, we
have also been talking of artistic research, occasioned by many and varied
reasons that are studied in this call.

It is also true to say that we do not always talk of artistic research in a
single way, but rather that there is a diversity of approaches regarding
its nature. None of these approaches is exempt from reasons and arguments,
in some cases exclusive and in others perhaps too all-embracing. We can
assert the classification once made by Christopher Frayling and that Henk
Borgdorff then qualified distinguishing between three types of artistic
research, summarized in three simple formulae: research for art, research
on art and, finally, research in art, seen as the most genuine type of
artistic research.

Asking ourselves about artistic research is also to question what we
understand by knowledge. The answer to this question cannot leave us
indifferent, whether we are speaking from academia, from professional
practice or from the same society and culture that shapes us. Casting a
light on this question means, in turn, not just epistemological and
methodological questions, but also ontological questions on the artistic
condition itself.

Inseparable from the question on artistic research are other questions,
such as what type of knowledge does it offer and what work methods make it
possible? In what way is it different inside or outside academic contexts?
How do education strategies and policies interfere in the clarification of
the associated debates? Now that the term is being called for both by
universities and by artistic practice and institutions, the institutional
stance from which the different approaches to the nature of artistic
research are being argued is even more relevant.

For some years now, especially in northern Europe, artistic research has
begun to be recognized institutionally. It has been welcomed in support
centres for artistic practices and in academia, where university studies
have been rolled out and public artistic research projects conducted. At
the same time, a prolific debate is being generated in which artistic
production plays a fundamental role in research processes. The
interrelation between art, science, technology and society that we have
been mapping in the Artnodes journal over the last fifteen years gives good
account of the way in which the different spheres of knowledge have worked
together and interwoven their practice throughout history, and this dossier
on artistic research aims to continue to feed these interrelations.


In this issue of Artnodes, we are putting out a public call for articles
that explore the following lines of topic and debate:

Organizational, institutional and political contexts for artistic research

Artistic research inside and outside academia (artistic production centres,
schools, arts centres, practices outside any institution, extitutional
research practices, at local, national or international level).

We are open to receiving articles that research contexts for artistic
research, strategic policies that foster it, or case studies on specific
institutions or programmes. Another topic is research relating to the
different ways of publicizing research results, whether this is through
conferences, symposia, festivals, exhibitions or online, offline, academic
or alternative publications, that tackles and enables the expansion of the
ways of showing the results of artistic research.

Theoretical perspectives for and on artistic research

Taking into account that the aims and questions of artistic research are
very broad, this line opens up a debate on the various perspectives from
which to focus artistic research, and it involves highlighting and
analysing epistemological theories and frameworks that make it possible.

It also includes the problematization of specific cases in relations
between these theoretical perspectives and artistic research, as well as
the paradoxes created in research practice from the arts sphere due to its
disciplinary argumentation or its applied development methodologies. At all
times taking into account the role of the written text as the vehicle of

Assessment of artistic research

The aim is to tackle questions such as the place of assessment, the space
where the research is exposed to its legitimization. They will include
reflections on their certification spaces, revisions of the affinities and
disjuncts between the in-disciplinary spaces and the settings of
legitimization of the research. However, also included will be the
contributions on the existence or otherwise of a suitable inherent space
for the specificities of artistic research, and the terminological
distinctions that we use to describe it or classify it: from the strictly
academic sphere, from artistic practice, from disciplinarity, etc.

Artistic research projects

In light of the flood of theses submitted recently because of the Gabilondo
Decree, we are in a highly suitable situation to be able to show a series
of references to artistic research works that, on the one hand, enable us
to deploy a taxonomy of relevant projects, and, on the other, open up a
debate on what we consider to be an artistic research project. To this
effect, articles will be included that question the current definitions of
artistic research, their references to the scientific formulation of
knowledge, their methodologies and the documentation of their processes and

Submission process

We invite authors to send us articles of no more than 5,000 words in
Spanish or English, using the form available on the website. We recommend
that you carefully follow the instructions for authors given on the
journal’s website. Should you have any questions, please contact the
editors directly (

About Artnodes

Artnodes is an open-access academic journal produced by the UOC since 2002.
It is published twice a year, in June and December. Its articles come from
public calls for scientific articles and are submitted to double-blind peer
review. You can find more information about the indexing of the journal and
its classification in the relevant section on the website.

You can check last issue published, guidelines for authors and submission
form in here:

Many thanks,



*Dr. Pau Alsina*
Professor dels Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya


Director Artnodes Journal <>
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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