How can we design experiences using performance, machine learning, and 
speculative prototyping to construct alternative visions in times of political 

Come explore this topic in a four-week intensive program guided by artists and 
speculative designers Sascha Pohflepp and Chris Woebken, you will be designing 
experiences through use of live-action role play techniques (LARPing), computer 
vision, machine learning, and speculative prototyping.

They will provide a framework that revolves around a rapidly changing world 
increasingly bound to be populated by non-humans, both natural and 
artificial—such as advanced AI systems. Making their perspectives 
experienceable is going to be a key angle to designing for the new societies 
that will emerge.

You will learn an overview of future studies tools, crafting scenarios, 
collaborative work, narrative prototyping, simulation techniques, character and 
game design for live action roleplaying, basics of advanced machine 
learning/neural networks, digital fabrication, environment/set design, project 
critique, exhibition production and documentation.

Join us 31. July - 25. August 2017
four weeks, full-time in Berlin, Germany
Based in ACUD MACHT NEU <>

For more details and application: <>
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