Saturday, July 29th, 12:00pm - 1:30pm EDT (Washington, DC) /// 6:00pm
- 7:30pm CEDT (Paris)

Tomorrow 13 artist-broadcasters will perform simultaneously via
Facebook Live in a 90-minute, collectively conceived, socially
broadcasted, global culture jam + net performance.

These individual broadcasts, experiments in connectedness will be
united in one interface/ an interactive Video Wall:

There you have agency, you can decide who/what to watch, to mix
sounds, or to visit some individual performances.

With: Annie Abrahams, Domenico Dom Barra, Michaël Borras A.K.A.
Systaime, Curt Cloninger, Carla Gannis, Claudia Hart, Johann Baron
Lanteigne, Patrick Lichty, Randall Packer, Daniel Pinheiro, Dominik
Podsiadly, Craig Saper, Paul Wong.

Hosted by Randall Packer & Michaël Borras A.K.A. Systaime

#NeWWWorlDisorder Interactive Video Wall

My personal approach will be a search : Who are my partners in this
experiment? What does it mean to them to collectively conceive, to
collaborate, to participate? What happens when you are aggregated? Can
facebook also be a social space? Who are those facebookfriends I am
streaming for? Do they also have agency? (how when, where) Who are my
co-broadcasters? Are we doing something together? How will the local
relate to the global? Can I reach someone? What will become of
attention? Can I resist the flux, the stream, the spectacle, the show

I am not #TV
I am not a #Medium
I am not #Media
I am not #Flux
#Real #D3sord3r
I am not a #Message
I am not #Facebook
I am not the #!nt3rn3t
W3 are the #NeWWWorlDisorder - are we?

Who are you?

If you put an url on my facebook wall during the performance I'll
visit that url live, so that it will become, temporarily, part of the
collective (

Art is not an end in itself

hope to "see" you tomorrow
Annie Abrahams
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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