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Call for Proposals from Furtherfield and NEoN Digital Arts Festival

BLOCKCHAIN ART COMMISSION: The CryptoDetectorist – hoards, coins & trades

Deadline for submissions 4th September
For exhibition 9th November
Fee and production costs £2500

While archaeology has often understood cultures through excavations of hoards 
and coins, what will today’s digital currencies tell future archaeologists 
about the way we live and trade?

This co-commission with NEoN Digital Arts Festival forms part of Furtherfield’s 
ongoing investigations into the politics of the blockchain, smart contracts, 
and cryptocurrency systems like Ethereum. It invites artists to imagine 
themselves as future media archaeologists, as recorders of our current 
information-based society, and as time-travelers highlighting the continued 
relevance of our long past. Will you dig for the digital, brush the dirt off 
the non-material, or excavate the internet?

For all details see here

Marc Garrett

Co-Founder, Co-Director and main editor of Furtherfield.
Art, technology and social change, since 1996

Furtherfield Gallery & Commons in the park
Finsbury Park, London N4 2NQ
Currently writing a PhD at Birkbeck University, London

Curating, Touring Exhibition
Monsters of the Machine:Frankenstein in the 21st Century
At Laboral, Spain until Sept 2017
Visiting other countries soon...

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