Dear all,

we look forward to meeting you at our upcoming conference this weekend
at Kunstquartier Bethanien in Berlin. We have still some places
available for the
workshop on November 26 at Supermarkt, please register if you are
interested (no special technical skills are required, please read below).

All the best,


TERROR FEEDS: Inside the Fear Machine (November 24 - 25, 2017)
Location: Studio 1, Kunstquartier Bethanien, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin
Schedule: November 24 (17:00-21:00); November 25 (16:00-21:30)

The conference TERROR FEEDS will analyse ISIS and its media strategy,
the meaning of cyber jihad, and why people enroll as foreign fighters.
The programme is co-curated by Tatiana Bazzichelli and investigative
journalist Mauro

(see more details at:

# Friday November 24 · 2017

17:00-18:30 – KEYNOTE
RISE OF THE CALIPHATE: How ISIS Became a Global Threat
Sue Turton (Reporter and Journalist, Former Al Jazeera Correspondent,
UK), Charlie Winter (Senior Research Fellow ICSR Centre, Associate
Fellow ICCT The Hague, PhD Fellow King’s College London, UK). Moderated
by Mauro Mondello (Investigative Journalist, IT/DE).

19:00-21:00 – PANEL
CYBER JIHAD: ISIS Media Strategies and Countermeasures
Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK),
Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab Media Specialist, John Cabot
University, IT). Moderated by Frederike Kaltheuner (Programme Lead and
Policy Officer, Privacy International, DE/UK).

# Saturday November 25 · 2017

16:00-17:30 – PANEL
RADICALISED: The Franchise of Terror
Saud Al-Zaid (Scholar of Islamic Studies, Berlin Graduate School of
Muslim Cultures, DE), Pieter Van Ostaeyen (Historian & Arabist, PhD
candidate KU Leuven, BE). Moderated by Dave Keating (Journalist, US/BE).

18:00-19:30 – KEYNOTE
PREVENTION & PREJUDICE: Counter-Radicalisation and Human Rights Challenges
Michèle Hassen (Radicalisation Awareness Network RAN Education, Working
Group Leader, EU/FR). Moderated by John Goetz (Investigative Journalist,

20:00-21:30 – KEYNOTE
FRACTURED LANDS: Confronting the Islamic State
Abdalaziz Alhamza /Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently -RBSS
(Co-founder, Media Activist, SY/DE); Aaron Y. Zelin (Founder of and JihadPod, Richard Borow Fellow at the Washington
Institute, US). Moderated by Donatella Della Ratta (Writer and Arab
Media Specialist, John Cabot University, IT).


# WORKSHOP at Supermarkt Berlin
Sunday November 26 · 2017
FACING TERRORIST THREATS: Cyber Security and Digital Self-Defense
14:00-17:00 - Ticket: 12 Euro, max 20 people, register at
Dlshad Othman (Activist and IT Security Engineer, SY/US), Aymenn
Al-Tamimi (Jihad-Intel Research Fellow at the Middle East Forum, SY/UK).

We look forward to seeing you.
Best regards,

Tatiana Bazzichelli, Artistic Director

Before and after each event you can follow us online at:
Twitter: (#dnl)

Tatiana Bazzichelli // Artistic Director
Twitter: @disruptberlin // @t_bazz
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