** sorry for any cross posting **

Dear friends and colleagues, I'm glad to invite you to my current solo show

curated by Daniela Silvestrin

degewo-Galerie Remise
Pankgrafenstrasse 1, 13187 Berlin
Opening times:
01-23 March 2018
Tue-Fri 2:00 - 8:00 pm

Bacterial biofilm, blood, paper: with the aid of these materials, the
exhibited artworks challenge the idea of the body as an enclosed entity,
and explore it through the notions of leakiness, contamination, and

Leaking. Mattering. comprises works from recent years such as Works on
Paper (2015), which investigate the physical and tactile properties of
paper, and the installation Lymph (2016), whose classical aesthetics and
controversial materials tackle the physiological origin of disgust.

Two new series emerging from my research about bacterial biofilm are
premièred in the exhibition: Wombs (2018), a series of extra-bodily organs,
and Skin Studies (2018), a sample collection which manifest my fascination
for skin.

For private views, please contact me at m...@margheritapevere.com

Looking forward to welcome you,

Best regards

Margherita Pevere


Leaking. Mattering.
Solo show by Margherita Pevere
degewo-Galerie Remise

curated by Daniela Silvestrin

Opening times:
01-23 March 2018
Tue-Fri 2:00 - 8:00 pm

degewo-Galerie Remise
Pankgrafenstrasse 1, 13187 Berlin
U- & S- Bahn Pankow
Bus 155, 255, Tram M1, 50: Pankow-Kirche


Margherita Pevere
· bioart · visual art · research ·

· *Leaking. Mattering. **Solo Show, curated by Daniela Silvestrin*
1-23 March, degewo Galerie Remise, Berlin
*Opening 28 February 6:30 pm*

· *Anatomy of an Interconnected System*
 11 April, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
Curated by Roberta Buiani – ArtSci Salon
SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
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