It’s good to see that the pioneering work of Stan Ostoja-Kotkowski (1922 - 
1994) is finally getting some recognition:
Solid Light: Josef Stanislaw Ostoja-Kotkowski
1 April – 14 July 2019 - McClelland Sculpture Park + Gallery, Frankston, VIC, 

Born in Poland in 1922, Josef Stanislaw Ostoja-Kotkowski moved to Australia in 
1949 and became pivotal in the development of Australian experimental and new 
media art. Pioneering electronic art, he made innovations in computer and laser 
technology, including kinetics and sound, which he applied to visual art, music 
and theatre. He was the first artist in Australia to use television as an 
artistic medium, and arguably the first in the world to use lasers in a stage 
production. His radical approach to marrying art and technology drew much 
criticism from critics and peers, yet his work gathered much interest in 
international experimental art circles.

Paul Brown ==
UK Mobile +44 (0)794 104 8228
Skype paul-g-brown
Honorary Visiting Professor - Sussex University

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